Thursday, March 26, 2009

What People Do For Love

Now I’ve been to Six Flags a million times. I love the adrenaline that gets pumping throughout my body every time I am on line ready to ride a roller coaster; I love roller coasters. I have ridden Medusa and Batman a billion times; Superman is my favorite though. It took me awhile to work up the courage to go on Nitro however, because the thought of one little tiny string of train balancing a line of carts on a steep diagonal line, just didn’t seem too safe. My friends begged and begged me to go on it, so I eventually caved. It was awesome! I little scary though because you literally life out of your seat and you feel like you are free falling. But, none the less, I did it; huge accomplishment of mine.That happened two summers ago, and just when I though it couldn’t get any scarier then Nitro, King DA KA was invented. The news paper said it was the tallest roller coaster in the country. I already knew that there was no shot I was even coming within a mile radius of that ride. Or was I?
I started dating this guy that I was “in love with” for so many years. It was a beautiful morning and we had met up with some of our friends and began our car ride to Six Flags for the millionth and one time. On the way over, he was trying to persuade me to go on; “Come on it’s really not that’s over in 30’re going so fast you won’t even realize it when it’s over.” Well gees, that is comforting to know that take off is at 150 miles per hour, real comforting. I thought to my self I will just nod my head and say yes and then later I will come up with an excuse as to why I can’t go on. Maybe if we rode it last I could tell him I was tired or not feeling to well or some bullshit like that. So, I turned to him and said “How about we save it for last? I have to start out on the smaller ones first, that way I won’t be so scared to go on that one.” “Sure” he said and I felt a little proud of myself that I out smarted him into thinking I was actually going on it. Ha.
As we pull up to Six Flags, my stomach started to churn and I felt a bit queasy looking up at that ride and only seeing that ride in the distance. I remembered reading that a middle age man had had a heart attack while riding it and I couldn’t stop thinking about what the hell would happen to me; the queen of anxiety attacks. We walked through the gates and started heading towards Medusa, or at least I thought we were. Nope. I was wrong again. Somehow I was blinded for a few seconds talking to my girlfriend and the next thing I knew, we were standing on line for King DA KA. What the fuck just happened I thought, but tried to act as cool and as calm as possible. “Babe, I told you I wanted to ride it last, c’mon let’s come back I promise I’ll go on it later.” He wouldn’t move. It was like his legs became a part of the cement he was standing on. “No later on the line is going to be ridiculous! Let’s just do it now.” But that was exactly what I wanted! I wanted there to be a long line, I wanted to feel sick and too tired to go on it. This really blows. “Fine” I said as I stood next to him shaking, my heart pounding and my stomach feeling as if it were in my throat.
We were next on line, and I was trying to figure out how I was going to get out of it. I thought about climbing over him right before the ride would start but it wouldn’t have worked because we would have already been strapped in. Then I thought well I could make myself pass out or cry or something, but then I’d look like a pussy in front of him and I couldn’t have him think that of me. Shit. I was actually going to ride something someone else had already had a heart attack on.
As we cocked back, I saw my life flash before my eyes, actually I saw what happened earlier that day flash before my eyes and before I could get to the part where I was going to get out of going on King DA KA, we took off. I can’t even begin to describe what happened because A) we went way to fast and B) somewhere in between going straight up and straight down, I lost my contacts. Yup, they just flew right out of my eyes, a part of me thought that God was watching over me and didn’t want me to see what was happening because at that point, I was too mad that I couldn’t see to even concentrate on my anxiety.
After the ride, I was pissed, I mean super mad because I am literally blind without my contacts. “So, what did you think? It was awesome right?” I turned to Mark, said “Fuck you” and headed back to the parking lot, where it took me an hour trying to figure out, blindingly, where we were parked.

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