Thursday, March 19, 2009
Questions. And Answers? An Internal Frame of Reference
Westley Chow
March 19th, 2009
Questions. And Answers? An Internal Frame of Reference
Saturday March 14th, 2009
It’s another one of those days. My fucking head hurts. God, I hate how I’m so undisciplined. I should have woken up at 10am this morning, had some low to medium glycemic carbs, and gotten my shit together for training. Instead, I was out last night cause Paul’s been in town the past week, and we went out drinking. I was so drunk and dehydrated that whatever I booted looked solid like a friggin’ meatball. I woke up late as usual on days after I’m out late – 4pm this time. Damn, I hate how I’m so weak! I say that I want to be a champion and that I want to do this and that, but I have no discipline.
I mean, I’ve always known that I’m a sprinter and not a marathon runner, but facts are facts. I’m gonna live to be 100 years old and I’ve still got 79 years to go. That’s a shitload of time. I need to take a step forward with correcting my bad habits and change something. If I REALLY want to get PUAStyles and Showroom launched, I’ve got to get my priorities straight and just do what I NEED to do, not what I WANT to do at the moment. I’ve gotten into too many bad habits. I need to listen to Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People again. I need to clean up my life. Gotta call Kim today.
I’m meeting with Danny, Ben, and Eddie tonight to talk about Showroom. We said 9pm as usual since Ben gets out of work at 8. Damn, I need to do the research on PHP and RSS feeds, and we need to get those tickets to LAX. On top of that, I still haven’t had a chance… No, I haven’t gotten around to installing Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver. I’m behind on work as usual. Thank god I don’t have any case studies or papers due this week. Just need to read. Can’t run today, my body’s weak. I’ll run tomorrow. Remember the lion and the gazelle.
Sunday March 15th, 2009
Damn, the meeting got cancelled cause Danny and Eddie had dinner, plus Ben and I were dehydrated and hung over. So I just goofed off all day yesterday and played DOTA. I need to delete that shit from my computer and keep it uninstalled for longer than a month and a half. I hate times like this when I’m all in my own head questioning what my goals and convictions are. I NEED to be training MMA more, doing my strength and conditioning more frequently, reading more, and moving forward with my projects. Plus, I need to put that weight on that I lost last month from being sick. I know that I should live a well-rounded life and also enjoy being in the moment, but COME ON… I NEED to FOCUS and get to work. I want to live a clean life.
I emailed Sally today about the payment I sent and she said they’ve only got 8GB Unlocked 3G iPhones in stock, no 16’s this time. What a bitch, she tells me this AFTER I send payment. I’m annoyed, but dealing with Alex is a hassle, so what can I do. Guess I won’t be getting any 16’s this shipment. God, business over there is SO different than over here. I need to live in Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong for 6 months or so to get accustomed to the customs, language, and business practices. Damn, I need to finish this stupid degree already so that I can move out to California to train and fight pro.
Wednesday March 18th, 2009
My left ring finger is still popping after being dislocated in BJJ on Monday. The pain is insignificant, but the rehab is annoying. I finally deleted WarCraft 3 last night before I went to sleep. Gonna stop gaming for at least two months this time. I broke my record last time by going for a month and a half; I can do better this time. Also came upon the idea of using YouTube and Twitter as a marketing tool for myself and PUAStyles. Also, I wanna try 10% discount codes on referrals for phones. Need to write for my English class, catch up on Biomechanics for the midterm review, and write the circuit entry on my blog, plus catch up on my Todo list.
I feel good, maybe it’s the weather. According to, it’s supposed to be in the 50’s all week. I love it when it’s hot… can’t wait till it’s blazing in the 80’s. All my professors are talking about next week’s midterms. I’ll start busting ass after training tonight. No one can match my hustle. I’ll never forget those 100 hour work weeks that NO ONE my age could do. I need to be more humble. I need to live a clean lifestyle if I want to accomplish everything I’ve set out to do. I’ll listen to Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Work Week again.
March 19th, 2009
Questions. And Answers? An Internal Frame of Reference
Saturday March 14th, 2009
It’s another one of those days. My fucking head hurts. God, I hate how I’m so undisciplined. I should have woken up at 10am this morning, had some low to medium glycemic carbs, and gotten my shit together for training. Instead, I was out last night cause Paul’s been in town the past week, and we went out drinking. I was so drunk and dehydrated that whatever I booted looked solid like a friggin’ meatball. I woke up late as usual on days after I’m out late – 4pm this time. Damn, I hate how I’m so weak! I say that I want to be a champion and that I want to do this and that, but I have no discipline.
I mean, I’ve always known that I’m a sprinter and not a marathon runner, but facts are facts. I’m gonna live to be 100 years old and I’ve still got 79 years to go. That’s a shitload of time. I need to take a step forward with correcting my bad habits and change something. If I REALLY want to get PUAStyles and Showroom launched, I’ve got to get my priorities straight and just do what I NEED to do, not what I WANT to do at the moment. I’ve gotten into too many bad habits. I need to listen to Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People again. I need to clean up my life. Gotta call Kim today.
I’m meeting with Danny, Ben, and Eddie tonight to talk about Showroom. We said 9pm as usual since Ben gets out of work at 8. Damn, I need to do the research on PHP and RSS feeds, and we need to get those tickets to LAX. On top of that, I still haven’t had a chance… No, I haven’t gotten around to installing Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver. I’m behind on work as usual. Thank god I don’t have any case studies or papers due this week. Just need to read. Can’t run today, my body’s weak. I’ll run tomorrow. Remember the lion and the gazelle.
Sunday March 15th, 2009
Damn, the meeting got cancelled cause Danny and Eddie had dinner, plus Ben and I were dehydrated and hung over. So I just goofed off all day yesterday and played DOTA. I need to delete that shit from my computer and keep it uninstalled for longer than a month and a half. I hate times like this when I’m all in my own head questioning what my goals and convictions are. I NEED to be training MMA more, doing my strength and conditioning more frequently, reading more, and moving forward with my projects. Plus, I need to put that weight on that I lost last month from being sick. I know that I should live a well-rounded life and also enjoy being in the moment, but COME ON… I NEED to FOCUS and get to work. I want to live a clean life.
I emailed Sally today about the payment I sent and she said they’ve only got 8GB Unlocked 3G iPhones in stock, no 16’s this time. What a bitch, she tells me this AFTER I send payment. I’m annoyed, but dealing with Alex is a hassle, so what can I do. Guess I won’t be getting any 16’s this shipment. God, business over there is SO different than over here. I need to live in Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong for 6 months or so to get accustomed to the customs, language, and business practices. Damn, I need to finish this stupid degree already so that I can move out to California to train and fight pro.
Wednesday March 18th, 2009
My left ring finger is still popping after being dislocated in BJJ on Monday. The pain is insignificant, but the rehab is annoying. I finally deleted WarCraft 3 last night before I went to sleep. Gonna stop gaming for at least two months this time. I broke my record last time by going for a month and a half; I can do better this time. Also came upon the idea of using YouTube and Twitter as a marketing tool for myself and PUAStyles. Also, I wanna try 10% discount codes on referrals for phones. Need to write for my English class, catch up on Biomechanics for the midterm review, and write the circuit entry on my blog, plus catch up on my Todo list.
I feel good, maybe it’s the weather. According to, it’s supposed to be in the 50’s all week. I love it when it’s hot… can’t wait till it’s blazing in the 80’s. All my professors are talking about next week’s midterms. I’ll start busting ass after training tonight. No one can match my hustle. I’ll never forget those 100 hour work weeks that NO ONE my age could do. I need to be more humble. I need to live a clean lifestyle if I want to accomplish everything I’ve set out to do. I’ll listen to Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Work Week again.
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