Thursday, March 5, 2009


Lauren Malvica

Comparisons are easily done once you’ve had a taste of perfection. Like an apple hanging from a tree, I picked the ripest one, I still got the seed.

While he was scheming I was beamin' in the beamer just beamin' can't believe that I caught my man cheating.

Guess this means you're sorry you're standing at my door, guess this means you take back all you said before like how much you wanted, anyone but me said you'd never come back but here you are again

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight I know that I've got issues but you're pretty messed up too either way, I found out I'm nothing without you. My life would suck without you.

It is better to be told a hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie...But, once a cheater, always a cheater.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Damn, ain’t it crazy when your love slams? You’ll do anything for the one you love. Cause anytime you needed me, I’d be there it’s like you were my favorite drug. And I’ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you, Don’t even recognize the ways you hit me, do you? It’s gonna take a miracle to bring me back and you’re the one to blame.

So let me go, just let me fly away, let me feel the space between us growing deeper and much darker everyday. Watch me now and I’ll be someone new, my heart will be unbroken, it will open up for everyone but you.

I always said THAT would be it that I wouldn't stick around if it ever came to THIS and here I am, I'm so confused, how am I supposed to leave when I can't even move...

Forgive?...that's a mighty big word for such a small man and I'm not sure I can, I don't even know now who I am it's too soon for me to say Forgive.

A part of me still believes when you say you’re gonna stick around; a part of me still believes we can find away to work it out. But I know that we’ve tried everything we could try so let’s just say goodbye...forever

Truth be told I miss you...truth be told I’m lying!!! When you see my face, hope it give you hell...when you walk my way I hope it gives you hell.

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