Thursday, March 12, 2009

Heaven on Earth

From Far Away ..

Like most places in the world, Aruba is infamous for being a breathtakingly beautiful location. From the airplane, up above flying through the clouds, I can remember being a fifteen-year-old kid and being absolutely amazed by how gorgeous this island looked. It was as if I had left Earth behind, and was now somehow transported to Heaven. The water was a crystal topaz blue and shone so beautifully with the sunshine that beaming down upon it. It seemed as if this beautiful water went on forever without an end. As the plane got lower and was closer to the ground, I could now also see pretty sand that was the color of a Persian kitten with golden colored fur. That sand belonged on the beaches, which were filled with what seemed like a million people. From the airplane, I could see the sun, and knew that it was the perfect place to find myself in, and that i was about to have an experience that would last a lifetime within my memory.

From Close-up ..

After settling down at the resort my family and I were staying at, and putting on my bathing suit, I was ready to see what this dreamland really had to offer. I stepped outside of my room, and could not believe my eyes. The view in front of me was beyond belief. The sun seemed and was so distant yet it seemed so near-by as it illuminated the whole entire image that was before me. The water was the most gorgous topaz blue I had ever seen and it just gave me such a devine feeling that I just had to smile. The sand I was stepping on was warm but not too hot. I bent down to feel the sand within my hands and watched it as it trickled down my arms and back onto the ground. The palm trees that surrounded me were the greenest of green and had quite the height. This was the most amazing place I had ever been to and I had just arrived yet I already knew that. This was Heaven on Earth, and there was no doubt about it.

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