Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life at 14

Katherine Scott
English 211W

Thursday, February 26, 2004

I haven't wrote in here in such a long time, so for starters i can just say that today at school was just a pretty dull day, no drama for once. I was happy though because after school my sister and everett picked me up and I finally got to see my nephew. He's 3 weeks today and i'm just amazed with how big he already got. So they took me to my last orthadontist appointment, THANK GOD! I loved the people there but after having braces for 4 years, you would of been happy too. After that my sister took me shopping, and she bought us matching outfits! Well now I'm home and I'm about to play with my adorable nephew since I have no homework to do. I still can't believe he's so big already!! I'll write more later or whenever I have time.


Saturday, February 28, 2004

Well I can tell you I hated the fact that my parents woke me up so early just to go shopping! It actually turned out that I was happy that I went with them because I got my second hole 2 day, after years and years of begging my parents. Well it actually wasn't planned but I was able to convince them once we go to the mall. After we did all our shopping, my sister surprised me and came to visit with my nephew. Yeah but i didn't know the big surprise was that i had to babysit. I love him to death, but taking care of him is a handful. I tell you I don't know how these single girls that get pregnant can do this by themselves everyday! Especially the ones that have more then one baby at a time. Yikes, better them than me right!
I'm exhausted so I'm going to sleep finally! Goodnight!


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Sorry it's been a while since I last wrote in here, everything has just been so crazy! I have been getting so much school work, that all I do is come home do my work and sleep. Today I finally got a break, I don't understand why my teacher didn't give us homework cause she usually does but I'm not complaining. I'm relieved we got no homework though because Andrea just told me after school that her mom found out she has cancer. I tell you I couldn't even think straight when she told me, and I wanted to cry but I had to be strong for her. All I can do is just pray for her now. Ughh life is just not fair! I pray to god she can fight this! I can't write anymore so i'll leave you with that!


God bless Tara!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Once again I haven't wrote to you in a while, but I've just been in a daze for over the past month. So lately Andrea, her mom and I have been trying to have alot of fun because we don't want to waste any time in our life! We all went shopping, bought new outfits and I finall got the diesels I wanted after so long! I finally bought them to match my outfit for Andrea's mom's surprise party. That party was so much fun! She had no idea what we planned and she looked so happy to see everyone. We danced the whole night, I had my first shirley temple with Andrea and it was so GOOD! After the party we all went back to Andrea's house and everyone spent the night. It was so nice because the whole family stayed up talking and in the morning we all ate breakfast together. Andrea's mom and I went to drop her off at the airport because she was going to florida. On the car ride back to my house, her and I started talking about everything! She is such a sweet lady, and she treats me like her own daughter too. She told me she was scared for Andrea because she doesn't want her to go through all of this, but she's happy that Andrea has a friend like me to be there for her. We started to cry together and I didn't say this to her, but I just kept wondering why her? WHY? Out of all my friends Andrea has been the one that was always there for me, and I hate that out of all people she is the one that has to go through with this. I just hope her mom can fight this cancer! I need to stop before I start crying again. So I'm ended this on that note tonight! Later.


God Bless Tara!

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