Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Words of Wisdom
For as long as music, movies, and the written word of poetry and books have been around every aspect of life has pretty much been covered. Topics range anywhere from romance, infatuation, friendship, hardship, war, peace as well as anything and everything in between. We as the people who read, listen to and watch these readily available types of entertainment and informative things, tend to learn a lot about life and the world around us. To demonstrate some of the things I, personally have learned from all of the things I have been exposed to thus far, I will list what has inspired me most and some of the philosophies i live by.
(1) Everything happens for a reason. (All of the good and bad things that happen to us individually happen because that is the way it is meant to be and although we might not always know why certain things are happening when they are, we have faith that one day we will know the reason.)
(2) Life always goes on. (No matter how bad something might seem to be, it can always be or get worse. With this in mind, life has a way of moving along no matter what.)
(3) What does not kill you only makes you stronger. (This is literally true. Although it is not meant to be taken literally, it should be. I am a strong believer in this because, through all of the hardships that people have to endure only makes mankind stonger and more admirable.)
(4) What goes around comes around. (One word, karma. They say karma is a bitch so you better do right on to others or else it will come back to you. The bottom line basically is this, do good unto others and good will be done unto you. Do bad and the bad will be reciprocated.)
(5) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (There is someone out there for everyone and that is because what might not be beautiful to me, is beautiful to someone else. When you love someone, they become the most beautiful person in the entire world and only your opinion of them matters and that is the way it should be.)
(6) Life is what you make it. (Each one of us has a pretty good grip on what we are capable of doing and achieving as well as the will power to acutally do it. So go out there and do what it that you are looking to do and do it with a smile on your face.)
(7) Be grateful for what you have now. (The author of the best-selling book, "The Secret", Rhonda Byrne wrote this in her book, which happens to be my favorite book. It is basically saying that you should be grateful for what you have becuase that is an important key towards happiness and fulfillment.)
(8) You don't know what you've got until it's gone. (We have all heard this over and over again and it holds an incredible amount of truth to it. We as human beings tend to take others and posessions for granted thinking that they will always be there. But this is not always true. People do leave and possesions are lost, and then we feel quilty for never truly appreciating what we were given.)
(9) Forgive and forget. (This is quite an important thing to do, although at times difficult. What it means is do not hold grudges because they are a waste of perfect happiness.)
(10) Time heals all wounds. (Out of them all, this one takes the most time to actually occur but it does. Life has a way of throwing us all sorts of curveballs and having us deal with it in only ways we know how. This can be hard to do especially when something hurts too much, but with faith and time everything works out alright.)
There is no doubt that sometimes it is hard to live by these rules as well as others out there, but my best adivice is to keep your head up high and believe that it is all worht it, always.
(1) Everything happens for a reason. (All of the good and bad things that happen to us individually happen because that is the way it is meant to be and although we might not always know why certain things are happening when they are, we have faith that one day we will know the reason.)
(2) Life always goes on. (No matter how bad something might seem to be, it can always be or get worse. With this in mind, life has a way of moving along no matter what.)
(3) What does not kill you only makes you stronger. (This is literally true. Although it is not meant to be taken literally, it should be. I am a strong believer in this because, through all of the hardships that people have to endure only makes mankind stonger and more admirable.)
(4) What goes around comes around. (One word, karma. They say karma is a bitch so you better do right on to others or else it will come back to you. The bottom line basically is this, do good unto others and good will be done unto you. Do bad and the bad will be reciprocated.)
(5) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (There is someone out there for everyone and that is because what might not be beautiful to me, is beautiful to someone else. When you love someone, they become the most beautiful person in the entire world and only your opinion of them matters and that is the way it should be.)
(6) Life is what you make it. (Each one of us has a pretty good grip on what we are capable of doing and achieving as well as the will power to acutally do it. So go out there and do what it that you are looking to do and do it with a smile on your face.)
(7) Be grateful for what you have now. (The author of the best-selling book, "The Secret", Rhonda Byrne wrote this in her book, which happens to be my favorite book. It is basically saying that you should be grateful for what you have becuase that is an important key towards happiness and fulfillment.)
(8) You don't know what you've got until it's gone. (We have all heard this over and over again and it holds an incredible amount of truth to it. We as human beings tend to take others and posessions for granted thinking that they will always be there. But this is not always true. People do leave and possesions are lost, and then we feel quilty for never truly appreciating what we were given.)
(9) Forgive and forget. (This is quite an important thing to do, although at times difficult. What it means is do not hold grudges because they are a waste of perfect happiness.)
(10) Time heals all wounds. (Out of them all, this one takes the most time to actually occur but it does. Life has a way of throwing us all sorts of curveballs and having us deal with it in only ways we know how. This can be hard to do especially when something hurts too much, but with faith and time everything works out alright.)
There is no doubt that sometimes it is hard to live by these rules as well as others out there, but my best adivice is to keep your head up high and believe that it is all worht it, always.
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