Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Want by Katherine Scott

Katherine Scott

English 211W


“I know that my brother hates me”, you would expect thoughts like this from a girl in her teens that is in high school but it’s strange that this is coming from an 11 year old. That is all she would think from time to time. Everyone told her no sweetie he just bothers you because he is your older brother and they just like to pick on their younger sisters. Crystal would smile and go along with the response she always got, but still in the back of her mind she knew different.

They were on their way home from school one day and she kept telling her brother that she had to go to the bathroom. He ignored her and just kept yelling at her to walk faster because the bus was coming. For the second time she yelled to him she had to go to the bathroom and if they could just stop at a store. Once again he yelled at her and told her to just grow up and stop being a baby. The tears on Crystal’s face just started coming down, she stopped walking and just looked down at herself. Her brother turned to yell at her, and all of a sudden he just busted out laughing while he walked away from her.

Like any other kid Crystal would pay attention to everything, especially the things her siblings would do. She never had many problems with her older sister because they were really close with each other, but it was just something about her brother, the things he would say and do to her just didn’t seem right. Always going out of her way to be nice to him, and every time he asked her to do something she would do it. She felt that since he was her older brother that she had to listen to him.

“I really do think that my brother hates me”, now this is the thought that as Crystal got to her teens, she would often think. It wasn’t just the things her brother did to her when they were younger that made her think that, it was all the things he has done and still does now. Even though it’s been months since they have seen each other, she still feels that he hates her. She does miss him but on the other hand she is happy that he is away.

“You’re are just worthless”, it was things like this that he would say to Crystal that would upset her, yet she would just brush it to the side and ignore it. Having a brother that is in the marines, was something that Crystal had to get used to because everyone told her that his attitude towards people would change once he joined. Although she knew that attitude he has now, that everyone claims is his marine attitude, is the attitude that he always had with her ever since they were little.

Since she is the baby of the three kids, he always seemed to have hatred towards her because of the way she was treated and spoiled by their parents. Crystal didn’t ask to be the youngest kid, so it wasn’t her fault that they babied her more, but her brother acted like if it was her fault. He wanted to make her upset since he hated the fact that she would always get her way. Crystal didn’t care about being spoiled by her parents, the only thing she wanted was just for him to be nice for once and like his little sister.

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