Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mr. Tambourine Man

Sofy Dzhanashvili
English 211W
Professor Henkle

Mr. Tambourine Man

According to Webster, the word cope [kohp] is “to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties, esp. successfully or in a calm or adequate manner.”

You: The Science Times, Dylan, stubbornness, vodka on the rocks and documentaries.

Use a filter.

For a scrapbook: photographs, album, markers, page protectors, scissors, stickers, themes, ect.

“Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me.”

Step #2: Avoid Negative Behavior. Don’t start drinking or using drugs to cope with a loss. This is not a good route.

'87 Chevy Nova.

Me: soy-milk lattes, imagination, Viktor Frankl and a giant book of crossword puzzles.

January 15th, 2004: Russel Crowe is an asshole in person, especially at Miami International Airport. Does not take pictures.

Conviction: Driving Without Due Care and Attention, 6 points, and a $380 fine.

Existential psychotherapy and “those who have a ‘why’ to live for can bear almost any ‘how.”

Pack tightly.

For indie-films and documentaries: Angelika theatre on Houston. For some sweet surrealist art: Dali exhibit at the MoMA.

Self-righteousness can get one through anything.

Step #5: Stay Active. It is very important to stay active even though all you want to do is sit on the couch, watch sad movies and eat ice cream all day long.

You: Brick, road-trips, anger, Johny Cash, deadly car accidents, vegan restaurants and Raleigh, North Carolina.

Also for cope, “synonyms: wrestle, strive, persevere.”

The arching and twisting of shadows.

Helen F. Dalton and Associates: “Personal Injury Auto Accident Checklist- Document Your Pain and Suffering Claim.”

Step #7: Put Things into Perspective. Let yourself bla bla bla know that while your disappointment bla bla bla feels bad, this kind of thing happens to everyone in life bla bla bla.

August 19th, 2006: Jack Johnson concert. Heinekens, aviators, mellow acoustics and a ring.
Me: frozen yogurt, Nietzsche, immigration, surviving car accidents, folk music and introversion.

Use it in a sentence: "Facing unprecedented problems, the Federal Reserve of the early 1930s couldn't cope."

Save the stems.

1 comment:

  1. The way I see it, you have interesting theories and ideas on how to cope with various circumstances. Thanks for giving that definition upfront because it really gives me a starting point. I know what cope means, but I hardly think most people deal with their difficulties, problems, etc. in a calm or adequate manner. Most people cannot deal normal issues in an orderly manner. I myself cannot bring myself to use a scrapbook.

    Anyway, probably the best advice here is number 2, avoid negative behavior. Which means that is what many will do. It is so easy to fall into the negative, don't you think? Me? I'm a pessimist. But that does not mean I don't look at the bright side more often. I just say to myself, "Don't whine about it. Someday soon something worse will happen that will make this seem like nothing at all."

    Love soy milk. Not so much the lattes.

    Alot of these foreign actors are jerks in real life. We (Americans) just take it for granted that just because they speak with an exotic accent and dress real well that they're great people. Got news for you America. Rich people such just about everywhere. Have you heard Christian Bale's rant?

    Not much for art but I have been to museums. Do you like sitting on the couch and watching TV? I don't....the couch that is. I use a reclining chair.

    As for the rest I'll just say blah blah blah....blah blahblah blah blah. Boy it's not that easy making a reply is it?
