Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Katherine Scott

A Teenage Love
In the month of July in 1997, Jessica was only 13 years old and the love of her life
came walking through her gate. She was sitting by the side door steps at the moment he
arrived, he had seen her too but he just walked right past her and continued to talk with
her brother. Jessica had put herself into a situation at that very moment that she knew
was going to get her into a lot of trouble, but she didn’t care. For starters he was 17 years
old, and her mother had made it clear to her that she was not allowed to date until she was
She started to go outside every time to try to get him to notice her, and to Jessica’s
likings he did. He thought she was much older then 13, because she was already fully
developed and she had thick legs, big hips, a big butt and big boobs too. They started to
talk more and more everyday, and they both knew where this was leading too. As
tempting as Jessica was to be his girlfriend already, she had to hold herself back all
because of her mother.
Jessica was always a well behaved child, did well in school and she never disobeyed
her mother, but after meeting him she knew that she had to try to convince her
mother to change her mind about her having to wait so long to date. Now she was
nervous to bring up the topic with her mother about him , but since he was the son of a
good friend of the family, she thought her mother would definitely reconsider. Her
mother had always told her that when she got older and before she started dating a guy to
make sure that he:
-Came from a good family and respected his mother.
-He was Christian because religion is very important to their family
-Finished school and that showed he was serious about his life.
Immediately her mother said “NO”, the second she said his name because she knew what
Jessica was trying to do.
For days she would sit and wonder why her mom wouldn’t let her date him just because
of her age. He had fit all the standards her mom told her to look for in a guy, and the
fact that he was from a family her mother knew just made her even more upset. She
didn’t want her life to turn into the famous love story of Romeo and Juliet, where she had
to sneak around and hide her relationship from her family, but in the end it did.
After over a year of sneaking around with him, Jessica finally started to date Isaiah on
December 16, 1998, and she didn’t care anymore what her parents would say if they were
to find out. To her surprise when they did find out, they just didn’t care because
they knew that at this point, what they would say wouldn’t change anything.
Jessica was so happy with her life, and never understood why her parents wanted her to
wait so long to have a boyfriend. Everything was going smooth in their relationship, and
then in May of 2003 it all came clear to her. She then realized that she should have
listened to her parents, and saw why they made it such a big deal for her to wait till she
was 18 to start a relationship with anyone. Now she was finally 18, the age she had
longed to be when she first fell in love at 13, but was also already 6 weeks pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. In A Teenage Love, the reader is able to actually get inside a mind of a teenager, one we all have once before, capricious. It is imperative that the audience understands that a teenager is impulsive without ever thinking about consequences. Hence the ending.

    The role of the mother in the story, though short, provided with its purpose of a parental guide and maturity that the teenager lacked.

    Jessica's story was a biography that explained her entirely at age 13. I thought that was clever because you see her transition of naiveness as a teenager into a well aware adult in the ending when she turned 18, and pregnant.

    While her finding a way to date at 13 was the plot of the story, her pregnancy at 18 was a bitter/sweet ending. For she knew she was in love at a young age, but dealt with its consequences at an age still young to be a parent.
