February 26, 2009
Friday is the best weekday
Can't you see that you're smothering me
I believe in immortal love.
It should cost the customer 50 to 200 dollars. The bulk of companies set prices in the midrange and that is where the most competition is. Pricing low is shortsighted, because someone else is always willing to sacrifice more profit margins and drive you both bankrupt. Besides perceived value, there are three main benefits in creating a premium high end image and charging more than the competition. One, higher pricing means that we can sell fewer units and thus manage fewer customers and fulfill our dream lines. It’s faster. Two, higher pricing attracts lower maintenance customers: better credit, fewer complaints, questions, fewer returns, etc. It’s less headache, THIS IS HUGE. Three, higher pricing also creates higher profit margins. It’s safer.
Is it really necessary to work like a slave to live like a millionaire?
The main benefit of your product should be explainable in one sentence or phrase. Apple did an excellent job of this with the iPod. Instead of using the usual industry jargon with GB, bandwith, and so forth, they simply said: 1,000 songs in your pocket. Done deal.
If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.
You want to step in that Octagon, look across that ring at your opponent and know that this guy’s in trouble, that there’s nothing he can do to stop me or to tire me out. I know he’s never fought anyone that moves at my pace. I want to go in there, take his heart and soul away… take EVERYTHING away from him, and have it be mine.
A lot of the food I eat doesn’t taste good, but I don’t eat for taste – I eat for performance.
I pity those who do strength training and conditioning purely for aesthetic purposes. Say hi to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension for me.
I want the belt. Give it to me.
A guy needs to deserve what he wants. We go to college for a four year degree, master’s degrees, and doctorates for our careers and to learn knowledge about what we need to know in life. We go to driving school, to learn how to drive. We even go to the golf range and learn how to practice our swing, but when it comes to attracting women, and becoming the kind of guy that we need to be to attract the women we most want, we all sit around the couch watching football waiting for this woman to show up one day.
Attraction is not a choice.
If you’ve got a good production team that has a good ear for beats, can predict musical and social trends, and is up to date with the latest software, you’ve got a superstar. Look at T-Pain and Lil Wayne… Garbage in my opinion. Where’re the REAL SINGERS at?!? Hi Christina!
I’m a huge fan of just being like BAM and landing a kiss.
Accept everything the way it is. Most people don’t accept the world, they don’t accept reality, they don’t confront things as the way they are. They wish the world were different, they wish their situation were different, and so they whine and bitch and complain, and act like a victim, and they do things that are ineffective, because they’re living in a pretend world. Once you’ve accepted the way things are and you’ve confronted reality, now you can change things.
What motivates you more? Pleasure or Pain?
Gold is getting old. The new rich (NR) are those who abandon the deferred life plan and create luxury lifestyles in the present using the currency of the new rich: time and mobility.
Use no limitation as a limitation. Use no way as a way.
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