Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Everyman for himself

-Jealousy, Hatred, Dishonesty.
-Yup, we all do it.
- To get what we want in life.
- The ones you love sometimes end up to be the ones that hurt you the most.
- Isn’t it ironic?
- When you think of it, at end of the day the only person that is always there for you is yourself.
- Sometimes you can’t even trust your own instincts, so how are you supposed to trust others?
-If your relying on others to get something done, you’re better off doing it yourself.
- Relationships; caring and loving the other person, and in return they feel the same way back.
- Right?
- Best friends forever, or is it best friends forever until the day the other person betrays you and
loses your trust.
-After just going to lunch with one of your “friends”, you check yourself in the mirror in the bathroom, and notice you have a piece food stuck between your two front teeth.
-You ask people for favors because you need help.
- Sales associate in the fitting room tells you that the outfit looks amazing on you.
-It probably doesn’t, they just want to make a sale so they can keep their job.
-Doing whatever you can to make sure you get what you want.
-Being a honest person is good, but is it good even when it hurts people’s feelings.
-Angelina admitted to the press about her connection with Brad during the filming of Mr. and
Mrs. Smith, at the time the movie was being filmed Brad was still married to Jennifer.
-You’re only sorry because you got caught.
-People do things out of spite, just to see how others will react.
-Divorce; making promises together with a person and in the end one of you couldn’t stick to
- If a person betrays you once, it’s his fault and if they betray you twice, it’s your fault.
- You don’t realize what you have until it’s gone, and you seem to notice that after you hurt a
person and they walk out of your life.
-Never put your love on display, it’s not to be played with, and if you get heartbroken who’s
going to pay for it?

1 comment:

  1. This is one of those pieces where someone tells you something true, you believe it, but you don't want to hear it... It makes you feel like an ass... I like this piece. I like how it goes back and forth between faults of our own and faults other people do that affect us. I think it could have been a bit more personal using more "I" but that's probably because it makes me feel a more personal connection and we all enjoy a bit of someone else’s agony. Over all, nice piece some very good lines, like the one "You don't realize what you have...after you hurt a person and they walk out of your life."
