Monday, February 9, 2009

Third Essay

Third Essay
“Why do you write?” What kind of question is that? I write because I want to. Is there anymore justification than that? Does one ask Michael Phelps why he swims? Or A-Rod why he plays baseball? It is common sense why we do the things we do. We do them because we like to. Why should writing be any different? A craft is a craft so long as people take the time to devote to it their every waking moment/hour/day to perfecting it. Writers are extreme perfectionists even if they act all humble. Ask anyone if they think they’re writing is the best and most of the time you will get a “no.” There is always room for improvement. But heaven forbid should you criticize their work. “Sacrilege!” A writer’s pen is his sword and the ink his blood. He pours his life and soul into what he creates on paper. That paper is a holy document. Okay, that may be pushing it, but it’s still important.
Who cares about this? Some may ask why this guy is so passionate about his writing. Is he a champion for writer’s rights or does he simply have too much time on his hands? “A little of both actually,” comes the reply. In a society that values the television and radio more than the book, the written story is dangling on the final rung of the digital ladder.
“Who reads comics anymore?”
“I can get them online.”
“I use a keyboard.”
“Read the book?”
“I’ll wait for the movie.”
If this is the case, why do we need to take English courses anymore? Isn’t their time come and gone like the arranged marriage? Oh wait. Don’t some places still practice that? In that case, maybe writing’s time has not come. I predict it will be around for the next six billion years. What? Why six billion? Because that is how much time we have left on this planet. The world won’t be here forever and one day, far into the future, this little blue-green ball is going to go poof when the sun goes nova. Didn’t know that did you? Want to know where I learned it? I read it off a book. Ha! Knowledge is good for you.
This has been a pointless rant from a guy who loves to read. Praise it. Criticize it. So long as you read it, I’ve won.

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