Thursday, February 5, 2009

On Fatness

“How could you send me a two piece bathing suit, Mom?” Amelia cried into the phone. Her mother had sent her a new bathing suit, because the one she had been wearing all summer had torn. Sleep-away camp for Amelia was fun, except swim time. Perhaps parents don’t recognize that the idea of being fat is recognized at a very young age. And so, when Amelia wore her two piece bathing suit during swim time, everyone began to call her “bagel shop”. That was the beginning that fatness became Amelia’s biggest struggle.
Fatness... Everyone has some, somewhere, hiding, lingering, or like the writers of such pieces, their fatness is obviously in existence out in the open for all to notice. In reality, many of us try to get rid of our fatness because being skinny is the norm and most people, who will or will not admit always want to be normal. Diets, starvation and lypo-suction are a few ways fat people handle their fatness.
Diets: The one method we can talk about for ages! There are so many diets… So many, I’ll probably miss listing the most important ones. There is Weight Watchers Diet, (with this diet you count your points, and stay under a certain limit. This is another way to count calories, just a trick on your mind). The Atkins Diet (eat meat, meat and more meat) and the South Beach Diet (the name is supposed to make u think of a beach, so dream of that two piece bathing suit Amelia had to wear). There is the Liquid Diet (drink calorie-free liquids while slowly washing all that fat in your body), the Cabbage Soup Diet (random soup, pretty tasty but full of cabbage, so it can become smelly—but on the bright side, it is supposed to detoxify your body from all harmful fattiness). The No-Carb. Diet (no bread, no cookies, no cakes, no crackers, no dough, no cereal, you get the point…) and the eat 6-A-Day (eat 6 tiny portions a day, because it’s better that way). All these diets are supposed to come with you working out 4-6 days a week, but most people forget to keep doing it after they stop eating all the cabbages in the world and gain everything back.
Starvation: The one method which can confuse most people since, if you are fat, you had to eat a lot to get there. (Right? I mean that’s how you get fat…) So, perhaps man-kind can turn to realize that some people, eat till they decide not to. And these strong minded people, when they make up their mind to stop eating, they stop. They look great, till they don’t. Then we as a society begin to beg them to eat again, but they are content finally being skinny and reducing their fatness to nothingness.
Lypo-suction: Imagine it now. A fat man, sick of his fat decides to stick a straw in his love handle, and suck out the fat. When he realizes that he has suddenly become slimmer on one waist side, he sticks it into the other love handle… He sticks it every where. Thighs, belly, buttocks, under chin, back… Behold a skinny a man. This skinny man went on to create the most loved procedure by many people. Instead of dieting and exercising he just sucks out the fat, patches up the holes and goes on with his life. This procedure is in hope that none of the fat will return. How sustainable is the after math? Well, probably not that sustainable, since the procedure is repeated by “patients” numerous times afterwards.
Do nothing: And like many others who don’t give a hoot, they just continue to eat as clothing sizes in stores continue to exist. Perhaps, it’s not the ideal thing to do but maybe if we as a society didn’t dwell so much on fatness we wouldn’t create such paranoia and influence diseases such an anorexia and bulimia. Yes, with fatness come a lot of health risks, but with out fat what will one hold on to? Generally speaking, Amelia’s camp “friends” would not have blessed her with a nick name like “bagel shop” if fatness was not something they were made aware of. Indeed you must agree that a person comes in different shapes and sizes. This paranoia of obesity and then attaching MORBID to it creates a fatal situation that scares society, and makes them feel like they are not fitting into the norm. However, lucky for fat people, they have now reached a high in the 30 percentile of folks in the United States who are considered fat. That’s a nice chunk, so don’t feel so left out.

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