- Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye and the world will be blind.” At least half the world must be blind, or at least near-sighted by now. Funny how we’ve even made it this far.
- “Look before you leap” said the man atop the Golden Gate. And then he leapt, didn’t see much on the way down but at least he looked.
- How does the bus driver time his stops? Everyday, same spot same time. He must have a good watch. When the fate of others relies on his skill as a driver one can assume that the pressure of the deepest ocean must be resting on his shoulders, yet he remains cool as a Sea Cucumber.
- Funny how one can be starved for conversation and surrounded by people but never raise one’s head. There must be someone else here just as eager to discuss the day’s events.
- Steve Jobs tells everyone he’s sick and then all of a sudden so is Apples stock price.
- It’s even more amusing how someone can be arrested and face a decade of jail time for a hydroponic garden yet the man on top who gambles retirement funds and carelessly pissed away money on hookers can get away with a lesser punishment, maybe you just need to know the right people. Whatever, who cares about other people anyways as long as I get my food on time.
- Sometimes dreaming of misfortune is enough to turn a mans life around, when awake gasping for breath thanking g-d in heaven that it wasn’t real, one is the must vulnerable and the most prone to change. Begin your quest to never let that dream come true.
- Sometimes when she changes lanes, I grip the handle. I know she never looks. Then again you can’t think much, my life and hers rests on her ability as a driver. This is how we choose to spend our day, with each other. If we were to die together then I guess it wouldn’t be so bad.
- Where exactly is there a transition from pictures to text? When is the proper time for a young man to give up glossy pages for plain text? I don’t care I read graphic novels and comic books, will the boy even really become a man then? Sometimes the only way to go about things is to find a middle ground because one way or the other doesn’t work. I’d rather be happy than fake happiness.
- Vinyl is so much better than any form of recorded music, to hear the cracks and pops in the record is to know that nothing remains pure but the elegance is still overwhelming. The music is still there and it sounds better than ever. As the record twists, 33 and a third, I look at you and we enjoy the moment. This record is older than us both and yet still very much effective.
- “The best things in life are free”, this is absolutely true especially considering it only takes two people two minutes under a blanket to affirm the fact. Dinner and a movie optional.
- One time, I saw a man carrying what looked like nun chucks in his briefcase on the subway. One thing I learned from this man was you have to be prepared for whatever life will throw at you, even if it’s a ninja. You always need to be ready to fight off a ninja.
- To always look on the bright side of life is to risk losing your eyesight.
- Sometimes, life’s mundane tasks can be most depressing. I passed a homeless man with a well-made sign and a lady trying to lug a stroller up the stairs on the way down to the subterranean underworld. Can’t help everyone, right?
- Elliott Smith was ‘in love with the world, through the eyes of a girl.’ So much so that one little argument led to the end of his life, by his own hand. His connection to this world was sharply severed the moment they began to argue.
- Young love should be cherished because we’re all getting older.