Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When researching ADHD one will find this definition it is a “chronic disorder that manifests early in childhood and is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity and/or inattention.” That is the cold clinical idea of this crisis but it does not delve into the mind of those affected. How does society view these children? One answer to this would be as a nuisance, just look at the easy fix mentality; “give 'em some aderol...give 'em some ritalin.”
The little girl sat hunched in her seat absorbed in what was happening in front of her, the teacher droned steadily in the background...something about a hypotenuse? In the girl's hand were two colored pencils, on the desk in front of her sat a makeshift boat where it appeared the remainder of the pencils were sailing away. The boy next to her seemed uncomfortable but fascinated as well. After all, he was the only one close enough to hear what the pencils were saying and why it was that a sea escape was necessary.
The thing that really gets me though is the question of which is the flawed one, the ADD kid or society? More and more of these children keep cropping up and it seems wrong somehow to just blame TV and rap videos. Perhaps there is another factor working here that we're just not seeing. Maybe children have just grown past the point where a formal education can keep them in their seats.
In her next class, art, the little girl had been ordered quite explicitly to do her work so she she stood crouched on her chair. On the desk in front of her was a cut-out of President Lincoln's face but with no features they were also supposed to be cut out and glued on. The girl stretched her legs all the way up, little tush in the air as she tried to remember where the ragged paper nose had gone. The teacher eyed her with a death glare.
There are also violent tendencies, more likely to fight, less likely to be intimidated, these children are a force to be reckoned with when they're angry. Speaking from experience, my theory is that when something bad happens the child is unable to analyze the consequences of their actions. They are so caught in the moment that it is impossible to look past it to anything else...angry parents...suspension...
During recess that day the girl was caught during a game of tag, the frustration on her face was evident as she struggled to get free again. Laughing, the boy just held on tighter. Now past the breaking point the girl simply leaned over and bit his vulnerable wrist as hard as she could until it started to bleed.
People everywhere claim they have this disorder. Difficulty concentrating, bored easily, restless tapping. This goes past young'uns and all the way up to adults. They fidget, move through relationships quickly, and quit jobs without a thought. How many actually have a disorder? Is it possible there is none? Maybe people are just restless and this “disorder” is just a reflection of the dissatisfaction people feel in their lives. Maybe children are just more likely to sense this dead end early and those initial tantrums, reckless energy, and extreme fantasy world are attempts to break free before ultimately settling down and accepting the responsibility of being a well adjusted member of society...
At twenty-one the girl is good. She has not pushed her sister through any glass windows lately thank you very much. She has a B average in school and is a responsible employee. But she is very bored with this success and hopes that the Mayan calender is correct...maybe that would finally provide some excitement.

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