Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Piece One

You know how sometimes people will say " Don't lie to me because I find out everything", well I used that line very often with my ex-boyfriend. Throughout the two years I learned that every word that came out of his mouth was lie, and even if it wasn't I couldn't trust him. I guess that's what I get for getting myself involved with a guy that went away to school for college, and I didnt. We didn't have the best relationship because we would always argue and break up, but we would always get back together. The problem was since he always lied, every single time I would find out something he would deny it and swear to me that it wasn't true. I believed everything I heard because a lot of people would tell me things and I would see a lot of pictures from parties, but I never had direct contact with it myself to throw it in his face. The day that I broke up with him was because a girl had messaged me asking if I was still going out with him. There was only one reason why a random girl would all of a sudden ask me that, so I called him but he ignored my phone call. So after work that day I went to his house, and when I got there his brother told me that he wasn't there but he was on his way home and he would be there in fives minutes to pick him up because they were going out. To my luck I got there at the perfect time. I waited in his living room for him, when he knocked on his front door for his brother to open it, I opened the door and he looked like he saw a ghost. I satrted yelling at him and he tried to lie and say that he didn't know what I was talking about so all I did was show him the message and I told him it was over.

Week after week he would try to contact me and everytime I told him to fuck off, he would for a few days and then pop up again. It was getting me mad that I told him to just leave me alone because he was definately talking to other girls, but he would go out of his way to lie to me everytime. I told him one day to do me the favor and forget that I exsisted and weeks had went by and he hadn't said anything to me. Not to my surprise I found out that the girl had message me was now going out with him. I finally thought that he wouldn't hit me up anymore, but no I was wrong. After over a month, he randomly texted me one day asking me how I was doing and all i said to him was "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE". His response to that he couldn't because he was talking to other girls but at the end of the day he doesn't want anybody else but me. That is complete bullshit because I knew for a fact he was with that girl now, but he insisted on lying to me. I told him that I knew he was with her and to not lie to me because I seem to find out eveything some how even if it's planned or not. A few days after he tried crawling back to me and swearing he wasn't with the girl, I had brushed the topic to the side and decided to go out with my friends that night. As my friends and I were driving to a club we are passing by another club and there are a lot of people outside of the club. All of a sudden a group of people decided to cross the street and I had to break hard because they were crossing right infront of my car. As they were walking I honked my horn for them to hurry up because they were taking their dear sweet time, and all of a sudden the guy that's holding hands with a girl turns his head to look at who was driving the car. To both of our surprise it was my exboyfriend and he was holding hands with the girl that he swore to me he wasn't talking to. Surprisingly that made me happy to see that he looked like he was going to pass out because his lying ass got caught.

Piece Two

My five year old nephew and I have sleepovers at my house every weekend. I pick him up on friday nights after I get out of work and we get mcdonalds for dinner before we go back to my house. We usually knock out once we get home on friday nights since he had school and I had work, but it's good because we get up early on Saturdays and we have alot of time to do things together. So one saturday when we woke up I made him breakfast because he wanted eggs. The only eggs I know how to make are scrambled eggs, so when I gave them to him he told me "No I want a hard boiled egg". I didn't know how to make it but since we have him spoiled already I looked up how to make it for him.

Now since my nephew is very spoiled because he is the first grandchild and first nephew in my house he is used to getting what he wants and is never told no. So while we were in the house we were playing games all day long, but around 9 he wanted to start painting. I told him no because I was too tired and it wasn't time for painting. He started to cry and of course I gave in! I came up with the bright idea that we would paint in my room and once we got tired we could just go to sleep. Before he even put paint on the brush, he started to rub the paint brush on my dresser. I yelled at him to stop and told him "Everett you don't paint my furniture, you have to paint on the floor with the paper that I gave you". I could see in his face that he was upset with me because I told him no, but there was no way he was going to get away with painting my furniture. So we both started painting together, but I was tired and I fell asleep. In the morning when I wake up, I found myself on the floor and I saw that he put everything away neatly and he was sleeping in my bed. When I went to the bathroom I realized that my nephew had painted my face. I ran back to my room and woke him up because I was so mad and I said to him "Didn't I tell you to paint on the paper on the floor". In response I got "No Titi Kathy, you told me not to paint the furniture and to paint on the paper, but you didn't say I couldn't paint you". All I could do was bust out laughing because even though he knew he wasn't supposed to do that, it was so funny to me how he made it clear that I never told him that I couldn't paint me. I learned my lesson after that day, I'll never let him paint while I'm half alseep.

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