Thursday, April 23, 2009

The two of Us

I happen to know, for a fact, that she is right for me. I can’t put my finger on exactly when I came to this realization, but she is. There isn’t much else to say, when you’re with someone you’re with someone. I can’t put my finger on what it is about her I like so much.
She was innocent enough, left wondering why I was staring at her. She nibbled on her pierced bottom-lip and it caught my attention. That must have hurt. No, don’t say that. Too generic, predictable if anything, say something about her shirt, don’t focus on what is beneath it. She’ll notice. They look nice though.
She loves records. I love records. She loves reading. I love to read. She plays video games, we play video games, and it gets really competitive at times.
I invited her over for the first time. I told my mom she was just a friend. We stayed up in my room and the first thing we did was play Super Smash Bros. on my GameCube. She said she had a Nintendo 64 and used to play it with her younger brother. I let her win a few times.
I hate it when she is driving and text messaging at the same time. She does it in front of me when I’m in the car, knowing I hate it or absent-mindedly forgetting that she is at the wheel of a car. What more can I do other than complain? I still notice her eyes wandering down to that shiny touch-screen. She taps a few letters and glances back up. I close my eyes. How much does she do this when I’m not around? But you take the good with the bad and I will take her any day. Texting and driving isn’t even that bad on the second though, she would totally make fun of me if she read this. On the se
A movie is always the way to go. Whether you’re looking to squeeze a boob or go all the way, a dark theatre is air conditioned and quiet. We decided to go see “Chicken Little.” A kid’s movie is innocent enough; our first date would be one to remember. We walked to the movie theatre talking the whole way there about everything. I was sure that this could only get better. I had to keep this one around.
She is open to everything I like. Over the years, we’ve truly grown on each other. I remember one time we went to see that Johnny Knoxville movie where he pretends he’s retarded. It was a lot like an episode of South Park. We were the only ones in the theatre, seated in the rear comfortably with our legs across the seats in front of us when another, much older, couple walked in.
It was a cute movie. We couldn’t stop talking about it afterwards. The walk back was long but we were used to it. There was no better way to get to know someone, when you’re in a car you might be focused on the road or the other persons driving ability, depending on where you’re at.
The woman smiled at us. They seemed like a nice couple, I guess we did too because we both smiled back as if to say, “We came here ‘cuz it’s quiet and dark too!” They looked to be in their early 30’s. Maybe they had kids of whom they left at grandmas or with a sitter so mommy and daddy can have a good time. They could have just started dating but they seemed way too comfortable with each other to be at that stage. They brought the grand total of people watching the Johnny Knoxville movie in Franklin Square to a grand total of four.
We had so much in common yet we were so different. We walked towards my house as if we were part of some invisible wedding procession. I wish we could go back to those days of carelessness and uncertainty but those days are long gone. We grew up. She listened to Bright Eyes so I introduced her to Elliott Smith.
The movie started. We continued to munch on what was left of our popcorn. The couple on our right didn’t get anything but they were in a similar position, cuddled up in the far rear of a movie theatre, entwined somewhat uncomfortably on seats that refused to recline. They found a way, however. Amanda noticed at first, she whispered in my ear, “Look!” All I saw was her left hand moving rapidly up and down. She was giving him a hand job, either that or his crotch suddenly caught on fire and she way trying to put it out. It must have been some fire. “Why the hell else would someone come out to see a Johnny Knoxville movie based on an episode of South Park?”, I thought.

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