Thursday, April 30, 2009


When Cinderella’s father died, the land he owned and all of his other belongings went straight to his new wife, Cinderella’s step mother. She was a kind woman who had two well-behaved, smart daughters, Drizella and Anastasia. They were especially excited to move into the new, rather large home because they would be gaining a lot more than just a larger house, but a new step sister too. Cinderella, Drizella and Anastasia became quite close, almost inseparable. They helped their mother around the house with the cooking and cleaning and when they were done with their household duties, they went off into the gardens and played.
As the years passed, all three girls became quite pretty and grew into mature young women ready to be married, as it was common in those days to marry your daughter off as soon as she came into her teenage years. Anastasia was the first one to fall in love. His name was William and she knew she loved him the moment they laid eyes on one another. They met one day in the King’s courtyard and spent everyday together.
Drizella, however, had no interest in finding love. She was more independent and wanted to make something of herself besides a petty little house wife for a man. She did however love her sisters’ happiness and wanted nothing more than to see those two get married.
Cinderella, although she was the most beautiful of them all, had a little trouble finding a man and holding onto him. She was quite the little run around within their town. She would be dating five men at a time; she even tried to convince the Grand Duke to take a chance on her. Her step-mother saw this as a phase and never really said much or did much about it. She was more concerned for Anastasia’s happiness and future. Then it happened, William asked Anastasia to be his wife.
One day, Cinderella became so extremely jealous over her sister’s proposal and happiness, that she decided to gussy herself up and head over to the courtyard while her sisters were out looking for that special wedding dress. While in the courtyard, Cinderella spotted William and proceeded towards him with malice in her heart. She flirted awhile and batted her long black eyelashes but nothing worked. He just seemed uninterested in her; “How could he not be interested in me?” she thought. She pressed against him as a last resort so he could feel her large perky bosoms against his sculpted chest, and went in for the kiss.
William was so startled he didn’t know what to do. When Cinderella pulled back from him, in the distance three shadowy figures stood. To her surprise, it was Anastasia, Drizella and her step mother. Acting as if she was the one who was violated, Cinderellla slapped William in his face and told him to get away from her. Anastasia threw her ring in William’s face and turned to her step sister and said “I’ll never forgive you for this and for as long as I am your step sister, I will make your life a living hell”.
The stress of the situation caused Anastasia to gain weight and completely lose her perfect figure which put a damper on her finding love ever again. Drizella, who became so enraged at the situation, developed stress wrinkles and became overly bitter towards everyone and everything. Cinderella’s step mother just plainly became impossible to live with and turned into this evil, manipulative bitch who devoted every waking moment to tormenting her step daughter.
Cinderella in turn, became the maid of the house and didn’t mind it so much because she knew how wrong she was and the pain she caused her family was unforgivable. She developed friends among her pets and animals around her home and never disobeyed or got in the way of her family’s happiness ever again; until she met Prince Charming.

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