Thursday, April 23, 2009

I over slept today. Why, because I just wanted to sleep. Not because I was tired, sad, lazy, upset, exhausted, bored, hopeless, or filled with empty realization about life. I wanted to sleep because I was filled with excitement. I know that is such an odd thing to say. The previous lines that you read are correct; I decided to over sleep because I was filled with enthusiasm and vividness about my life.

She told me if I go to Corona Park with her tonight and run around the lake, all of the worries that I have will go away. She kept on insisting that running and feeling the summer breeze is the only way I could sleep at night peacefully. The only thing that she kept on repeating to me was, “I wish I could do something to help you sleep better at night”. Then she told me “please just try it once, I promise that you will feel a lot better if you run around the lake, there is something special about that lake. The other night I saw this bee and its hive members humming around. She kept on telling me that it was such a curious predicament, little bees surrounded by the fading sun.

The only that I do have is patterns that I have to follow. One pattern that I can’t seem to escape is knocking on wood. That was the problem with me I think. I don’t really have any issues in life. I just do my daily things in life as usual. These daily things in life has become so usual to me, it is like drinking water. I wake up in the morning around 5 am. I walk up to the white curtains that are hanging on the window next to my bed. I open the curtains and let whatever light from outside come in. I open the window to let the wonderful fake oxygen in. I walk up to my bookshelf and kiss the picture I have of Esther. I put my pants on. I put on my shirt. Then I put on my spectacles. Then I walk to my kitchen put some coffee in my pot. Then I walk into to my bathroom to brush my teeth. First, I brush my left side 14 times, then the right side 14 times, then rinse out the taste of synthetic toothpaste. Then I walk back to my kitchen, grab a cup and drink some coffee.

She didn’t know what to tell him. She wanted to tell him that everything is a puzzle. She didn’t know what to tell him, life was a puzzle. She didn’t know what to tell him. She wanted to go back to the start. She wanted to tell him that lets go back to the start. She had decided to tell him that we should go back to the start. There were no questions. There was nothing to answer. She asked him what if they find out. What if they realize it? What if he and she are never together again? She wanted to feel his warmth. Would you please answer the question Nathan?

Then I sit. I sit and look at my hands and count the wrinkles on each hand. I sit and count the number of lairs I have on each forehand. I sit there and look at my palm and see how clean and smooth it is. Then I walk up to my bathroom and take a shower. I wash my body. I put on my clothes and walk back to the kitchen. I take my daily pills. I take one for better oxygen enhancement. I take one pill for my ailing liver. I take one pill for my morning calories and protein. Then I listen to a song from Johnny Cash. This one song from Mr. Cash is just unreal. I wish I could sit here and explain to you what I was talking about but I can’t. But it is part of my daily ritual. I have to listen to the song to feel this day is as usual as possible.

Her cheeks glow with vivacious fuse. She is more glamorous then the red carnage. She is more enthralling then the passionate asphalt of NYC. She is the reason why you leave this house in the morning and she is the only reason you enter the house.

I sing all the lines. I don’t know what to do or say. But I sit there for a good 30 minutes of my day. I walk the line. But I wish my life would have more stories to tell you. I wish I could tell you. She didn’t know the answer either. What was the question he was asking her? She was just looking at him.

She wanted him to tell her what it was. She had decided to let him know, that he was always invited to her consign. But she didn’t know why he never crossed the lines. In her mind she didn’t know why he never did try it once. She was beginning to wonder if it would ever be answered. She began to realize, that time will lead to some answer. She began to think how long must you wait for it. How long must you live without it. Will everything be the same the way it was. The way it was before the question came to be. The way it was when he and she never decided to ask any question. She didn’t know what to say, but could you say something?

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